Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thursday Product Commentary - Magnetic Therapy: What is the real deal?

For most of the last 15 years, I have used magnetic therapy for wellness as well as acute conditions.  The products I have been using are manufactured by Nikken, Inc. Nikken is known as a network marketing company and I recently got back into being a distributor, more for my own benefit at this time; essentially, my husband's MAGSTEPS (original model with reflexology point) were worn to shreds.  Not bad for 15 years of abuse and effectiveness :)

I have experienced improvement in aches and pains and circulation as a benefit of using those magnetic insoles as well as the bracelet and Elasto Mag shoulder/neck wrap.  I personally use their far-infrared fabric comforter all year round.  I even have the two different size magnetic rollers for therapeutic use. I even sleep with a magnetic / ceramic core pillow as well.  Why - because they make me feel better and I DO know when I use them too much and switch off the pillow or the bracelet/wraps.  I even alternate my insole usage as well.

I have shared my experiences with others and have sold some product - but that is not my end goal.  I only recommend products which have benefited me personally or demonstrated benefit or improvement with others.  My end goal always has been and always will be the objective observation and documentation of product usage and if it works for someone (I always let them try it first - if possible) and they buy it - great; if they don't no big deal.

We have iron in our bloodstream and the magnet increases the blood flow by being present and attracting the 'iron' in the cells to the areas of application.  Note - this does not always work for everyone - but as per my objective analysis - more than 80% of the people who have experienced it - use it on an as-needed basis and of those 50% use them on a consistent basis.

Would I recommend magnetic therapy - YES; do I have things I can share so you can experience for yourself, YES.  Just drop me a line and ask for more information or check it out at

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday Commentary - Roles of ND's and MD's in New Jersey (and in General)

In preparation for opening my practice - I have gotten asked "Well, what does a Naturopath do?"

Good Question :)

Seriously - the role of a ND or Naturopathic Consultant (in New Jersey) is one of an educator and coach.  NDs are not recognized as anything more than a consultant as there is no NJ State board certification like for Physical Therapists or Medical Doctors or Chiropractors.  In the neighboring state of NY - they have an association and are self administering and managing their community of Naturopaths - and pushing for licensure.  Connecticut is a state where an ND is similar to a MD as long as they have gone to a MD style college. 

There is a National Governing body for Board Certification (ANCB) - as Certified Traditional Naturopath - which I intend to sit for later this year. Even the ND's who go to 4 year MD style school have some form of board certification (AANP) but theirs is more like a MD by its content and partially overlaps with my scope of work.

Bottom line difference between the two roles is the approach - Medical Doctors are reactive, treat symptoms, diagnose illness and prescribe medicine.  Naturopathic Doctors/Consultant are preventative, educators on the body and its systems on WHY certain symptoms can occur and work hard in coaching others toward health and on occasion they recommend protocols which have been documented to assist the body in achieving and maintaining health.

Where diets are concerned - medical doctors tell you to go on a diet or monitor your progress that they define for you.  Nutritionists educate in a similar fashion as Naturopaths, however Nutritionists do not focus on the herbal or homeopathic supporting protocols or 'therapies' which make diets easier to work through.

So - in a nutshell - what will I be doing?  I plan to educate and coach folks in the art and science of detoxification and cleansing for health, reviewing existing diets and exercise patterns to jointly craft successful eating and exercise strategies using what nature (and some science) provides for assistance and support (aromatherapy, magnetics, and homeopathy).

To quote my past life in dealing with Quality Certification when related to health - "SAY IT, DO IT, PROVE IT"
  • SAY you want to improve your health - daily
  • DO something positive for yourself for your health - because you want to do it
  • PROVE it to yourself through consistent behavior and sharing with others your success

Over the last two years - I have worked my health strategy plans around this motto: I said I wanted to change and make changes daily (as well as perform balancing and Reiki Maintenance daily as of the last year); I continue to do at least 4 things for myself for the betterment of my health daily - for ME; and lastly - my commitment shows in my own self improvement and genuine desire to help others achieve health too.

So - is there a place for ND's in the same world as MD's - sure; we are two sides of the same coin and should be acknowledged for the contributions we both make in the active and passive roles of client's lives.  If prevention became the norm then MD's would be just like ND's and then dis-ease is but an oddity versus a common day occurrence.

I am in negotiations for office space already - with two different places.  Once I have completed negotiation and am "open for business" - it will be posted here.

We are almost 'ready for primetime' now :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All that is left is my graduation date...

On Jan 31 - my final grades were posted for my degree.  I will be graduating with High Honors this month. Four and half years of part-time schooling and application of all the education, knowledge and wisdom I could garner from fellow students, naturopathic/medical doctors and instructors is finally able to surface. 

I may have been an amateur Homeopath since 1995, but now the application of Homeopathic protocols comes even more naturally to me than ever.  I rarely consume anything allopathic anymore on an exclusive basis.  When I have arthritis pain that is really bothering me - I will take that Mobic (a prescription NSAID) plus Gelsemium Sempervirens pellets, along with an aromatherapy oil blend of Helichrysum, Peppermint/Wintergreen and Lemon blend to knock it out faster.  If I catch the ache sooner - the Mobic just sits on the shelf.

I am looking forward to starting my part-time consulting in March post the Integrative Practitioner Conference in NYC.  My practice is not limited by geography, only by time and availability.  I still have a full time job, until I get too busy that I have to choose and that will be an easy decision to make.

My first promotion to the public to have them get to know about me is a donated effort to my Temple's Sisterhood Day of Re-Jew-Vination this weekend.  The theme is about Natural Health and Diet and I will be sharing about finding one's path to health.  I will be providing examples from cases I have worked with over the last two years (and specific examples from myself, of course) and providing a therapeutic Reiki session to the participants.  It should be an educational and relaxing afternoon.

So next step is graduation date and diploma receipt, then time to get the next big project going - helping others !

It is going to be a great year !

In light and in health - Namaste

Probiotics - Do they really help?

Sorry for the late post :(  This will be in time for two weeks later Thursday Commentary Post.

Probiotics - what can be said of them?

If you were ask anyone about them, what would they say?  The majority of folks only know of them from being added to foods outside of being present in yogurt and kefir (cultured dairy beverage).  Those who know about them through that connection know they are supposed to help with your digestion and help you be healthier.

Take the ads for Activia yogurt - additional strains of  'good bacteria' are added to help your digestion become regular.  That is just another way of saying your bowels move easier and more consistently.  In general, any discussion of that activity has been perceived as 'potty mouth' anyway.  Who can have a serious discussion about that ?

Probiotics do much more than regulate your colon - they are essential to your immunity, hence your health.

There is a great guide by Eamonn M. Quigley, MD - Probiotics: The key to Digestive Health (Health Point Press, 2009) which goes into lengthy detail about how the 'good bacteria' work in your intestines and the key two families of bacteria which do the most good:

Lactobacillus - casei, acidophilus are the most common seen and consumed
Bifidobacteria - lesser known but being added into foods

Studies of the colon have shown that 70% of the immune response is in the digestive tract (intestines). The colon has billions of intestina flora which facilitate the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from what we eat back into our bloodstream. It is a delicate balance, and as such, with digestive disorders or 'food allergies' - the balance and health of those colonies of flora are already unsteady. The Lactobacilus family has also been shown to stimulate immune cells to consume toxic materials, inhibit the pathogens activity, as well as regulate the pH in the colon.

What we eat, what medicines we consume in the name of "fixing" or "curing" - have a major impact on the intestines.  Some folks get yeast overgrowth from over consumption of Penicillin; or get the 'runs' during or after consumption of any antibiotics; this is due to intestinal flora imbalance.  The anti-biotics kill off good bacteria and bad in the body causing a mutiny in the plumbing.  The consumption of Probiotics during the treatment of antibiotics helps keep the flora balance in line.

There are two camps of protocols on the usage of Probiotics - "Less is More" and "The more, the merrier".  Both camps have valid points and successes.  My perspective - both protocols work; it is just one I see more for acute conditions versus maintenance of health.
  • "Less is More" is why take a multi-bacteria spectrum when one or two key families will keep everything in line.
  • "The more, the merrier" is a more than 6 different key strains bundled together for a broad approach to balancing the flora.
In the cases of antibiotic induced diarrhea - the "Less is more" has a great impact especially in the C.difficile imbalance and there are many studies that support this.  In the case of Candida overgrowth, specifically L.acidophilus produces hydrogen peroxide as part of its processing which specifically restricts the growth of C.albicans.

The multi-spectrum approach I have found to be beneficial as well.  During a cleanse, a wide spectrum version like PB8 or Jarrodophilus or Theralac - help the intesting move the toxins out of the body without disrupting the balance of flora.  Also - on those days you eat something that may not been cooked well or may have potential for food poisoning - consumption of one or two doses within an hour after significantly reduces the impact or potential for digestive/intestinal upset.

So - do they help? Absolutely - and which ever approach you use your body will reap the benefits.  I would be happy to discuss individual cases if needed.