Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All that is left is my graduation date...

On Jan 31 - my final grades were posted for my degree.  I will be graduating with High Honors this month. Four and half years of part-time schooling and application of all the education, knowledge and wisdom I could garner from fellow students, naturopathic/medical doctors and instructors is finally able to surface. 

I may have been an amateur Homeopath since 1995, but now the application of Homeopathic protocols comes even more naturally to me than ever.  I rarely consume anything allopathic anymore on an exclusive basis.  When I have arthritis pain that is really bothering me - I will take that Mobic (a prescription NSAID) plus Gelsemium Sempervirens pellets, along with an aromatherapy oil blend of Helichrysum, Peppermint/Wintergreen and Lemon blend to knock it out faster.  If I catch the ache sooner - the Mobic just sits on the shelf.

I am looking forward to starting my part-time consulting in March post the Integrative Practitioner Conference in NYC.  My practice is not limited by geography, only by time and availability.  I still have a full time job, until I get too busy that I have to choose and that will be an easy decision to make.

My first promotion to the public to have them get to know about me is a donated effort to my Temple's Sisterhood Day of Re-Jew-Vination this weekend.  The theme is about Natural Health and Diet and I will be sharing about finding one's path to health.  I will be providing examples from cases I have worked with over the last two years (and specific examples from myself, of course) and providing a therapeutic Reiki session to the participants.  It should be an educational and relaxing afternoon.

So next step is graduation date and diploma receipt, then time to get the next big project going - helping others !

It is going to be a great year !

In light and in health - Namaste

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